Lettra was born from a personal need
I remember when I was just entering the world of bookbinding and found few resources, few books and not to mention virtual classes.
This whole dream started around 2010.
Much of what I learned was by ordering books online or through travel. I knew I was not alone and that many people also wanted to learn more.

I am a bookbinder, artist and entrepreneur. I have exhibited in Peru, as well as in the USA, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Taiwan.
- Roxana Ramos
For as long as I can remember until my freshman year of college I thought I would be a computer engineer. I had no plan b. I was super happy to go to study in the USA, with a scholarship for being one of the few women in the sciences applying. After one semester I realized it wasn't my path and I was pretty scared. I had always done art, I had just never taken it seriously. I talked to my student advisor, he told me to give it a try, that everything finds its place in time, and it did.
I am a bookbinder, artist and entrepreneur. I have exhibited in Peru, as well as in the USA, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Taiwan. My days are divided between papers, my laptop and my thousand notes. I am the mother of a ferret, addicted to books and coffee.

Lettra: Beginnings of this project
Much of what I learned was by ordering books online or through travel. I knew I was not alone and that many people also wanted to learn more. So the crazy idea was born to have a workshop school, where I could learn in a more practical and professional way the techniques of handmade bookbinding.
Lettra 2022
Similarly, as Lettra was growing, I noticed that there were many people with ideas for creative businesses, but with little knowledge of how to make them work. That's why our field of entrepreneurship appeared, to help people who feel lost or believe that an art-based business can't work in Peru.